Find answers to questions that people ask too often!

Most Common

If the query you have isn’t mentioned here already, you can reach out to zventures team via the official contact channels mentioned on our Contact page. Alternatively, you can send us a message on Facebook.

zventures is a private company, focused on supporting small and medium-sized businesses around the world.

We’re a mix of marketing and technology experts, so we can help you grow in both the short and long term. We act as both a strategic partner and a growth catalyst to guide your business to success.

Yes, we do. If your business is averaging a minimum NET revenue of $7,000 for at least the last 8 months, zventures would be interested. Contact us, and book a meeting!

Senior team members from zventures will meet with you online to learn about your brand, products or services, target audience, and goals.

Using the information you provide, we will recommend personalized solutions designed specifically for your needs.

zventures is led by experts in brand marketing who have a strong understanding of the latest trends and technologies. We have built a network of contacts within the media industry that allows us to effectively execute our strategies.

At zventures, we have two prime operations:

  1. We invest in promising ventures, offering our financial and technical support in exchange for equity or a share of profits. Our team provides comprehensive support and guidance to founders, accelerating growth and ensuring a mutually beneficial partnership.
  2. We also offer paid services and, occasionally, free consultation to those seeking expert advice. Our goal is to help businesses thrive, even if they are not our partners..

Anyone with a legal business that has been in profit for the last 8 months can apply for a Partnership. To start the partnership process, we will ask you to share the necessary documentation as outlined below:

  1. Business Licence / Certificate of Incorporation
  2. Driving License / Passport
  3. Temporary Access to Sales Funnel (website, social page, etc.)
  4. Sales Data,P&L (from day 1 of your business)

Once we’ve reviewed your application, we’ll reach out to schedule a meeting if your business is a good fit for our investment goals.

We approve appointment requests by judging the priority of your interest. Initially. all consultations and meetings happen online (i.e: google meet, zoom calls).

If, following our initial virtual discussions, we determine that a physical meeting at our place would be beneficial, we will extend a formal invitation.

Our team will provide you with all the necessary details, including date, time, and address.

Private Investors enjoy three benefits with zventures;

  1. Security of Invested Capital in bai-murabahah Terms
  2. Monthly ROI against invested capital (usually 1%-1.5%)
  3. Capital Withdrawal Facility (only 1 week prior notice)

You can apply to join zventures as a Private Investor. However, it is entirely up to our leadership’s decision whether to accept an application or not.

Usually, there is a process where a member of our team looks into an applicant’s source of income, characteristics, lifestyle, manners and mindset.

We are waiting for your question

For all sorts of general queries that aren’t answered on this page, make use of our Contact page. You may also schedule a meeting with our team at zventures.